Call for Art and Ephemera
Timestamp 2020
Ongoing beginning July 18, 2020 in 1078 Gallery's windows and online
Read Arts DEVO: These Days in the Chico News & Review
The show goes on—now to be displayed in our front windows and online only due to the July 13, 2020 statewide (re)closure of art galleries (and other places) due to Covid-19.
Timestamp 2020 is an exhibition that collects and displays the ephemera of our current times. This show will incorporate artifacts and art pieces of all varieties that chronicle the intensity of our lives today. Imagine a community message board that serves as documentation for future generations of people trying to understand what it was like to live in 2020. Hence, a call for art and ephemera. You may consider contributing:
Items in the show will be casually displayed in our windows, bulletin-board style, with items likely to be arranged and rearranged over the course of the show. No sales will be conducted at this exhibition. You may supply your personal contact info, visible as part of your contribution, if you wish. Contributions to the show may be mailed to 1078 Gallery or dropped off in our (not very large) mailbox (at 1710 Park Ave, Chico, 95928). For larger items or items that can't be mailed, email [email protected] and we'll arrange a pickup or drop off option. Electronic submissions (writing, photos, video and audio recordings) also accepted, and will be displayed at our discretion on our social media and website. Email to [email protected]. (For larger files, provide a link to a downloadable file. We also can print out submissions of writing or other documents, in black and white only). If you wish to retrieve the art/ephemera that you contribute to the show, please include a SASE and/or mark your contribution clearly with your name and contact info. Please note, at this time we are unsure of the end date of this exhibition. |