Out of the 10 artists who won the raffle at the August 2012 drawing during the 2(D) for the Show 2 for 2(Dollars)exhibit for which 60 artists submitted entries on 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" blank pieces of thick paper, 8 are still in the game. The raffle prize? This entire gallery show in July 2013.
After discovering a love for fashion and design in high school, Nel Adams had many adventurous escapades tying her love of fashion into anything she did. She founded many wildly creative entertainment groups including Circus Plexus and The Circlings. Her love of circus and performance has shaped her design style. Many of her aesthetics border on the costume but have a sleek wearable edge that makes everyone’s head turn. Adams is a co-founder of Chikoko and lives in Chico with her family where she supports many feminist causes.
Natasha Easton
Natasha Easton writes about what she will exhibit: "Monumental ephemerality in all its past gilt glory. A melting snowflake in the desert. Love like a lacy flaming Victorian valentine and a dressmaker's form. Butch Cassidy and the Kid's canyon-river jump. Water color on a majestic large sheet. More Little Dorrit but a little Crivelli and Brambly Hedge."
Maia Illa
Maia Illa is a counselor and social advocate in the Chico community. She paints in her leisure time with subject matter ranging from pop culture to personal experience. Illa has been a long-term volunteer at the 1078 and is a recent addition to the gallery’s board.
Sheryl Karas writes: "Late in 2008 after a significant recession-related crash my partner Paul and I moved from our original home in ultra-progressive Santa Cruz, CA to stay temporarily with family in ultra-conservative eastern Arizona. We lived off the grid in the middle of the desert 30 minutes away from the nearest tiny Mormon pioneer town. To say the transition was a shock would be an understatement but we did wind up with a large body of art and photography as a result. We also wrote a book called "Waking Up in the Great Recession Mormon Desert." In this exhibit I intend to show several pieces that were inspired by this time along with excerpts from our book."
Maria Navarro
Maria Navarro will submit pieces from her ongoing project Navarino (Inessa's novel): Landscapes/Inhabitants/Encounters. Navarro welcomes collaborations with other participants, real or imaginal, dreams or collages: buildings on air.
Sophie Rogers-Davidson
Sophie Rogers-Davidson is a busy person. She has to balance high school, homework, dance, a radio show about the Beatles on KZFR, and everything in-between. She fell in love with art at a young age. Her parents have taken her to art galleries ever since she can remember. She loves to use her brother Peter as a subject to manipulate with different media.
Katharine Sherman
Katharine Sherman writes: “I'm just getting started…finding my motivation for making art and mixing it with the fun of sharing my work with others. I am repeatedly reminded of the value of practicing a skill. I'm always working on the ability to create physically what I see in my head. At the same time I try to improvise and let a partially completed piece point me in another direction. I have lots of unfinished paintings sitting around whereas all my drawings are finished in one sitting and never heard from again. Fashion design and sculpture are exciting prospects for the future….”
Brad Thiele writes: “i look for the mutability in both language and the familiar—the ways in which a thing shifts, twists and turns despite our best efforts for clarity—and play to this non-fixity by reformatting the both through modest exchanges between signs, objects, activities and ideas.”